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Buying and Selling Homes in BCL

So, you've decided to buy or sell your home in the Bear Creek Lakes Community - we wish you the best.

Since your home is situated within a "planned community" as defined by the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act, an additional requirement must be met before you can transfer ownership of your home. We hope the sale goes smoothly and to that end we have prepared this guide to help you understand the process.

According to 5407 of the PA Uniform Planned Community Act, the seller must provide a considerable amount of information and documentation to the buyer prior to transferring your home. This information is commonly referred to as a "5407 Certificate". The law allows the Association 10 days to comply with the request


Penn Forest Township Requirements

A "NO LIEN LETTER" must be obtained prior to the sale of real estate within theTownship of Penn Forest . Applicants must complete an Application for NO LIEN LETTER and submit it to the Township at least fifteen (15) days prior to the closing.

Penn Forest Township requires a moving permit. If you are a new resident or planning to move elsewhere within the township, please download the form or go to their office to complete one. It is a requirement that everyone moving into or within the Township complete this form and return it to their office.

Planning For Your Move

There are many details to take care of when relocating. The links provided on the left will help with some of the tasks.


  • Update your mailing address with your banks, companies you do business with, and the post office.

  • Register school-aged children for school.

  • Register to vote.

  • Update your driver's license and car registration.

  • Find local businesses, doctors, and dentists with the "Our Advertisers" link or the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce.


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